
アメリカ 約100校の学長が飲酒可能年齢の引き下げを要望



有名大学の学長、飲酒可能年齢の引き下げを要望 米国

(choose responsibility)(一部抜粋)

Choose Responsibility

Choose Responsibility is a non-profit organization founded in 2007. Following a 2004 op-ed in the New York Times titled “What Your College President Didn't Tell You” President Emeritus John M. McCardell Jr. of Middlebury College was approached by the Robertson Foundation, a foundation interested in investigating the consequences of the 21 year-old drinking age. The Effects of the 21 Year-Old Drinking Age: A White Paper was completed in September 2006 after more than a year of writing and research by McCardell and a team of assistants. Upon the report’s positive review, McCardell received additional funds to start Choose Responsibility.

Choose Responsibility does not, has not, and will not receive funding from the alcohol beverage industry or organizations affiliated with it. In addition to the Robertson Foundation, we are funded by the Achelis Foundation, the Overbrook Foundation, and donations from private individuals across the country.

Choose Responsibility

